Escape - Presenting my first prototype ever!

I am very glad to present to all of you my first finished prototype. After 2 years of learning, investigating, reading, and playing around with Unity and Godot engines, I finally found courage to participate in a game jam. In this case, it's the Community Game Jam at, hosted by various great game devs, like Brackeys, Sykoo, Dani, BlackThornProd, and others.

After a week of work, study, and dev (and no sleeping), I finally finished the game, and submitted it.
It is a very simple game, consisting of a maze, that the player has to explore to find the exit. But, the peculiarity is that, aside from enemies, the maze is completely dark, so the player has to use a torch, and an A.I. voice, to guide itself.

If you are interested in trying out the game, I'll link the studios' page. It's available for Windows, MacOs, Linux, and any HTML5 enabled browser. Any comments or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Link to game: Escape


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